Wheeler was arrested on Jan. 23 after the domestic violence incident.
Alleah Taylor, the ex-girlfriend of former Seahawks offensive lineman Chad Wheeler, spoke out Wednesday about the account of assault that led to his arrest last month.
In an interview with CBS This Morning, Taylor shared details about her experience with the domestic violence incident in late January. Wheeler
pleaded not guilty to charges of first-degree domestic violence assault on Feb. 1 and also faces charges of domestic violence unlawful imprisonment and resisting arrest.
Taylor told CBS News that she and Wheeler dated for six months and they barely even argued during that time.
"He stood up. And he told me to bow down. And I asked him why. And he didn't respond. He just told me to bow down again. And I told him no. And he immediately grabbed my neck. And that's when things began," Taylor told CBS News.
According to Taylor, Wheeler grabbed her throat, threw her onto a bed and tried to choke her. Taylor said she blacked out twice before the attack was over. She recalled that after she woke up, Wheeler said, "Wow, you're still alive."
As a warning to readers, some of the images and details shared in the video below are graphic.
Taylor said she locked herself in the bathroom, called 911 and texted her family and Wheeler's father for help.
Wheeler was arrested on Jan. 23 after King County police received a call from Taylor. According to police reports, it took three officers and two sets of handcuffs to restrain Wheeler. Authorities said Wheeler kept apologizing as he was arrested.
"I still have to regularly get my concussion checked. ... I have bolts, and steel, and a steel plate I'm gonna have forever in my arm... I'm gonna have to deal with this the rest of my life," Taylor said of her injuries.
The Seahawks released Wheeler on Jan. 27, condemning the account of domestic violence and encouraging him to get help.
Wheeler released a statement on Twitter the same day, saying he was "deeply sorry for the pain and suffering that I have caused.
King County court ordered Wheeler to remain in the area while on electronic home detention until his trial, which is set for April 6.
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