Atlanta Falcons kicker Younghoe Koo addressed the rise in hate crimes and anti-Asian sentiment in an Instagram post on Wednesday.
In an Instagram post on Wednesday, Atlanta Falcons kicker Younghoe Koo said he is "deeply saddened" by Tuesday's massage parlor shootings in the Atlanta-area that left eight dead, including six Asian women.
who moved to the United States from South Korea when he was 12 years old, said he wanted to speak out against hate crimes and anti-Asian bigotry in order to bring awareness to
an issue that has especially plagued the country since the pandemic began. The G League also recently completed its investigation into
an incident that involved a player who called Jeremy Lin "coronavirus" during a game.
"I am deeply saddened by the events that took place in Atlanta yesterday and although there is no definitive answer yet on what this investigation will bring, I feel now is the time to address the rise in hate crimes against ALL races over the last few years," Koo wrote.
"As an Asian American, I have heard the jokes and name-calling," he added. "I often dealt with it by ignoring what was said and minding my own business. I don’t have all the answers, but I realize now more than ever that this is an issue that needs to be addressed and that ignoring it won’t help us do that. I know this one post won’t solve the problem, but I hope to help raise awareness on hate crimes against all."
The Georgia Southern alum is known for wearing a "Stop Hate" sticker on the back of his helmet.
Earlier this week, Koo signed a new contract to remain with the Falcons after making the Pro Bowl last season, when he converted 60 out of 65 field goal attempts.
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